
Ctrl+F does not work or bring up Find On This Page in Windows 11/10

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Pressing Ctrl+F together brings upward the Search Bar or Find Box in virtually Windows applications. But if when y'all press Ctrl+F together, with a view to doing an in-line search, the Discover Box or Bar does not appear, here is what you can try.

Ctrl+F does not work

Ctrl+F does not work

Command F does not work? If when you printing Ctrl+F together the Find Box does not appear, then you lot may have re-register a DLL file to gear up the issue on your Windows PC.

Ctrl+F does not work

It is quite possible that the relevant Active Accessibility Cadre Component oleacc.dll, situated in C:\Windows\System32 may have got un-registered or fifty-fifty corrupted.

You volition take to re-register this DLL file.

Open an elevated command prompt every bit follows:

Blazon cmd in Starting time Box and in the consequence which appears, right-click on cmd and select Run as Administrator.

Now re-create-paste

regsvr32 oleacc.dll

and hit Enter.

Ctrl+F does not work

This will re-register the DLL file.

Restart and bank check.

If it still does non work, I propose you click Showtime > Search Menu Bar > CMD > Rt click on result > Run As Administrator > Type sfc /scannow > Hitting Enter. This will run the System File Checker. This will also replace corrupted system files if any. A reboot may be required.

Promise something helps.

Ctrl+F does not work

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a ten-year Microsoft MVP (2006-xvi) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the unabridged postal service & the comments kickoff, create a System Restore Indicate before making any changes to your arrangement & be conscientious nigh whatsoever 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.


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